free simple web templates

Client-server mode

To ensure the operation of the Client application in the client-server mode, it is necessary to configure the Server (Web service), as well as the Client application.
Server setup
After the Server installation process is completed, you need to perform several steps to configure it.
Launch IIS Manager, select the node of the installed Web application.


Open the authentication settings.


Select and enable one of the authentication modes.


Select the GISABPServer application node in the tree again, right-click, select “Explorer”.


Copy the path of the application directory that opens to the clipboard.


Run notepad as administrator.


In Notepad, click File> Open, in the file open dialog, paste the path from the clipboard into the file name field, add \ Web.config, click Open.


In the opened Web.config file, specify the following parameters:
· LicenseDescription, LicenseKey, LicenseOwner – license key settings. The server will work with empty parameters of the license key for 30 days from the moment of the first installation - this is a test period;
· DataFolder – The ABSOLUTE path to the folder where the data files are located. By default, after installing the application, the parameter value should be set to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GISABPServer\SAMPLEDATA - this is the folder with the test data located in the application directory.Because in this directory, access to files is usually possible only in read mode, data editing mode will be disabled. Create an empty folder, for example C:\ Data, give it full access and specify the path to this folder in the DataFolder parameter value field. Test data files can be copied from the SAMPLEDATA folder (usually its path is C:\Program Files (x86)\ABP\GIS-ABP\SAMPLEDATA) or SAMPLEPLAN (path C:\Program Files (x86)\ABP\GIS-ABP\SAMPLEPLAN) to the C:\Data folder you created. The Functionality section will provide examples of working with the data of the SAMPLEPLAN folder, therefore it is better to copy the data of this folder;
· RootTypeName – name of the root data type used in the ObjectLibrary.dll library; the parameter value should be - Machine;
· ObjectsFile – absolute path to the objectlibrary.dll file, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GISABPServer\bin\ObjectLibrary.dll
· StepGrid – default grid lines step;
· RasterDataFolder – absolute path to the folder in which raster layer description files will be placed, for example C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GISABPServer\SAMPLEPLAN
· LibFolder – The folder in which libraries with additional functionality will be stored, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GISABPServer\SAMPLEPLAN
· Language – possible values of the parameter Russian and English;
· LogFoldePath – folder for recording diagnostic files (log files). If you do not need to create diagnostic records, leave the value of this parameter empty;


In the event that Basic authentication is configured in IIS Manager, the value of the clientCredentialType parameter must be Basic.


If you selected Windows authentication, the value of the clientCredentialType parameter must be Windows.


Save Web.config.
In IIS Manager, highlight the root element of the tree and click Restart to restart the Web server.


The web service is configured.


Client application setup
Launch the GIS-ABP Client Application, click the “Settings” button.


The settings window is displayed.


You must fill in the following parameters:

· CheckAccessToPath – in client-server mode, the value of this parameter must be empty; 
· ClientServerMode – in client-server mode, the value of this parameter must be true;
· DataFolder – in client-server mode, the value of this parameter is not used;
· GISServerURL – Web service (Server) address;
· Language – possible values of the parameter Russian and English;
· LibFolder – in client-server mode, the value of this parameter is not used;
· LicenseDescription, LicenseKey, LicenseOwner – license key settings. The application will work with empty parameters of the license key for 30 days from the moment of the first installation - this is a test period;
· LogFoldePath – folder for recording diagnostic files (log files). If you do not need to create diagnostic records, leave this parameter blank.;
· ObjectsFile – library file, which contains the main functionality of the geographic information system. As a rule, the parameter value is specified by the relative path of ObjectLibrary.dll, or by the absolute C:\Program Files (x86)\ABP \GIS-ABP\ObjectLibrary.dll;
· RasterDataFolder – folder in which raster layer description files will be placed;
· RootTypeName – name of the root data type used in the ObjectLibrary.dll library; the parameter value should be - Machine;
· StepGrid – grid line pitch;
· ToleranceSnapGrid – sensitivity of automatic snap to grid lines;

After editing the parameter values, click OK - the configuration is completed.


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