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Installing "GIS-ABP Server" Web-service

System requirements for the computer to install the program: Microsoft Windows operating system, .Net Framework 4.6.1, Internet Information Services (IIS).
To perform the installation and configuration of the GIS-ABP Server Web Service, you will need administrator rights.
ZIP-archive "GISABPServer.zip"
If you already have .Net Framework compatible with 4.6.1 and Microsoft Installer installed on your machine, skip this step.
Download and unzip the “GISABPServer.zip” file.
The GISABPServer.zip archive includes:
- Files to install .Net Framework 4.6.1:
               - DotNetFX461 \ NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe;
               - DotNetFX461 \ NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-RUS.exe;
- File setup.exe;
- File GISABPServer.msi.
To install .Net Framework 4.6.1, do the following in turn:
               - DotNetFX461 \ NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe;
               - DotNetFX461 \ NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-RUS.exe;
If your machine already has a version of .Net Framework compatible with 4.6.1, you will see the message: .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later update is already installed on this computer. In this case, you can skip the steps to install .Net;


Run setup.exe as administrator.


MSI-file "GISABPServer.msi"
If you skipped the previous step, download and run GISABPServer.msi from the local drive.


If, when starting GISABPServer.msi, a message appears indicating that there are no administrator rights, run the Command Prompt as administrator.


At the command prompt, type
- CD [path to the folder with the file GISABPServer.msi], press Enter;
- Type GISABPServer.msi, press Enter.
- [full path to the folder and file name GIS-ABP 1.0.msi], press Enter.
Server setup process
In the installation window that opens, click Next.


Here is a screen for selecting Web application settings. If necessary, specify another folder or select it by clicking the Browse button.
Click Next to continue.


Click Next to continue.


Read the terms of the License Agreement. If you do not agree with the terms, click "I do not accept" and the installation of the program will be canceled. If you agree, click “Accept” to continue.


Installation completed. Click Close.


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Email: info@abpsoft.spb.ru